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What's the Difference Between a Memorial Service and a Funeral?

There are many ways to honor a loved one who has passed. A common question people may have when planning or thinking about how to hold a ceremony is "what's the difference between a memorial service and a funeral?"

If you're wondering what the answer to this question is, you're in the right place. In this blog post, we'll start by answering that question and distinguishing memorial services vs funeral services. Then, we'll finish the post by highlighting some unique and respectful memorial service ideas you can consider.

Let's get started by quickly describing the difference between funerals and memorials.

a wreath being placed in the pacific ocean

Funerals vs Memorials: What's the Difference?

The main difference between a traditional funeral service and a memorial service has to do with the body of the deceased. Funeral services are held with the body of the deceased present, while memorial services do not require the body to be present.

Other differences between a memorial service and a funeral service include:

  • Location: Funerals are typically held in locations like a church or a funeral home. The location of a memorial service varies and might be a park that the deceased loved or their home.

  • Tone: The tone at a funeral service tends to be more formal and traditional with prayers, hymns and/or eulogies. Prayers, hymns and eulogies may also be performed at a memorial service, but the tone at a memorial is often more personalized and informal. Think of the tone of a traditional funeral service versus a "celebration of life".

  • Timing: Funerals are typically held soon after a person has passed, while memorial services may be more flexible in timing.

So, to recap, the main differences between a funeral service and a memorial service include whether the body is present or not, the location, the tone of the service, and the timing of the service.

If you are interested in holding a memorial service for a loved one, or just curious about what memorial service ideas there are, this next section is for you. Let's check out five ideas for burial services that are held outside of churches or other religious/cultural institutions.

5 Memorial Service Ideas

Here are five personalized memorial service ideas you might be curious to learn more about. Each of these is outside the norm of more traditional and formal ceremonies and provides something unique that a traditional burial can't offer.

  1. Burial at Sea Ceremony: We might be biased, but we think burials at sea are the most unique and meaningful types of memorial services. Whether you want to view a sea burial from shore or be aboard the boat as your loved one's cremated remains are scattered at sea, you can plan a sea burial memorial service that will be significant to all who attend and pay tribute. Sea burial memorial services are especially fitting when honoring someone who loved nature.

  2. Celebration of Life Gathering: A celebration of life focuses on the positive memories and joyful times shared with your loved one. This type of service often feels more like a party than a traditional memorial, with favorite music, shared stories, and personalized decorations. A celebration of life is a chance to honor the departed's unique personality in a light-hearted, meaningful way.

  3. Destination Memorials: Why not celebrate your loved one in a place that held special meaning to them? A destination memorial service could take place in a cherished vacation spot, a hometown landmark, or even an exotic location your loved one always dreamed of visiting. These services offer an opportunity to combine travel with remembrance in a truly personalized way that is guaranteed to be remembered.

  4. Sky Lantern Memorial: A sky lantern memorial is a visually stunning way to honor a loved one. Guests gather to release lanterns into the night sky, symbolizing letting go, love, and remembrance. The serene beauty of floating lanterns creates a shared moment of reflection and healing. This is an excellent option for those who want a peaceful yet dramatic tribute.

  5. Hobby-Themed Services: Celebrate your loved one’s life by incorporating their favorite hobbies, intellectual pursuits or passions into the service. Whether they were an avid gardener, sports fan, or artist, you can create a service that highlights what made them unique. For example, a gardening enthusiast's memorial might include planting flowers in their honor, while a sports fan could have a memorial at their favorite team’s stadium during a rivalry game they always tuned in for.

the ocean explorer, a burial at sea boat

Funerals vs Memorials, In Conclusion

In conclusion, whether you choose a funeral or memorial service depends on many factors. Deciding factors might include what the deceased's wishes were, what your preferences are, and what family and friends think.

Memorial services give friends and family the opportunity to honor a deceased's life in a unique way that is tailored to their preferences or interests in life.

If you'd like to explore holding a memorial service at sea in Southern California, contact the team at Burials at Sea today to learn more.